Oakwood Lake's source of drinking are two deep groundwater wells; the lakes are not sources of drinking water. While Oakwood Lake Water District is responsible for maintaining the storm drains in streets throughout the community, the District is not responsible for the water quality in the lakes. It is important to recognize that lake water quality directly affects the health of the aquatic ecosystem. The catch basins in the streets drain directly to the lakes. Anything that enters the catch basins flows directly to the lakes and can affect them. For more information, please contact the Oakwood Shores Homeowners Association.
Results of Lead Service Line Inventory
The Oakwood Lake Water District has completed the initial lead service line inventory required by U.S. EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. The deadline for the initial inventories was October 16, 2024.
Through completing a historical records review and field investigations, the Oakwood Lake Water District has determined it has no lead or galvanized requiring replacement service lines in its distribution system. This includes any privately-owned or customer-owned service lines.
The Oakwood Lake Water District reviewed all applicable sources of information, including
· All construction and plumbing codes, permits, and existing records or other documentation which indicates the service line materials;
· All water system records, including distribution system maps and drawings, historical records on each service connection, meter installation records, historical capital improvement or master plans, and standard operating procedures;
· All inspections and records of the distribution system that indicate service line material, including inspections conducted during the course of normal operations (e.g., checking service line materials when reading water meters or performing maintenance activities); and
· All previous service line or meter replacements were conducted.
In addition to reviewing the above sources of information, the Oakwood Lake Water District physically inspected all service lines in its distribution system, regardless of ownership. All service lines were verified non-lead.
The Oakwood Lake Water District will update service line material information obtained from normal operations, such as service line maintenance, installation, or water meter readings, after October 2024 and will update the initial inventory accordingly.