About Us


The Oakwood Lake Water District (OLWD) provides water and wastewater services to the Oakwood Shores subdivision and the Oakwood Lake Mobile Home Park.  Lafferty Communities is the builder of the Oakwood Shores Subdivision homes. OLWD, Lafferty Communities, and the Oakwood Shores Homeowners’ Association are each separate entities and are responsible for different services.

OLWD is a California Water District organized pursuant to California Water Code Section 34000 et seq., and subject to many of the same governing laws as cities, counties, and other public agencies. OLWD is not a “for profit” service provider and is not related to the Oakwood Shores Homeowners’ Association.

Your drinking water source is groundwater which is pumped from two deep wells located within the District. The water is then treated, disinfected, and stored on site for delivery to your home. The two lakes located at Oakwood Shores are recreational and not sources of drinking water. Wastewater from the subdivisions and mobile home park is now pumped to the City of Manteca who treats and disposes of it under contract with the District.

Regular Meetings of the Board of Directors of the Oakwood Lake Water District are held on the Last Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the Oakwood Shores Clubhouse, 1699 Bella Lago Way.  The meeting schedule is subject to change, so please check the website for the most up to date information.

Board Members

The Oakwood Lake Water District's Board Members are responsible for governing the district's activities.

Gene Oliver, President

Steve Marino, Vice-President

Nelson Bahler, Director

Tim Smith, Director

Scott Anderson, Director

Aerial shot of Oakwood Lake Water District

Oakwood Lake Water District
Mailing Address

PO Box 77980
Stockton, CA 95267

Phone: (209) 399-0551 Voicemail
Emergency Phone: (209) 838-7842 Water or Wastewater Emergencies
Billing Phone: (209) 399-0551
Billing Email: AmyDorstadOLWD@gmail.com